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Trouble calming down?

Do you often feel restless or hyperactive?

Do you have difficulty coping with crowds and loud noises?

Do you struggle with change?

Does it feel like your head is flooded with thoughts?

Do you suffer from anger or tantrums?

Do you get upset easily?

Is it a struggle to calm your child down?

Does your busyness manifest itself in stomach aches, headaches or sleep problems?

Did you answer “YES” to one or more questions? Then chances are you could benefit from deep pressure.

Mama Claudette

‘It was the first day in a very long time that he really felt comfortable‘ “Our little son was always very busy and restless, and found it very difficult to concentrate. We found out after a lot of research that he has SPD (sensory processing disorder), which makes him easily overexcited. When he is “full,”…


‘Even the teachers notice immediately improvement in calmness and concentration’ “We as parents are completely flabbergasted HOW focused our sweet busybody is when he puts on his vest. He is doing very well at school with his vest on, and even the teachers notice immediately improvement in calmness and concentration. We are SO glad we…

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